Anonymous & professional social media for Cracow & Poland
Lack of office coffee & Honest answers to local people's questions from global companies
Increasing competitiveness of local employees by:
Trusted anonymous advice on: referrals, career advice, promotion, feedback, salaries, work-life balance, employer opinions
Anonymous, invite-based login - no email
Post examples starting from practical info ("How this company address WFH policy?", "Is my offer from X fair?")
through advice ("Certification that would get me from Mid to Senior", "I'm in finance and want to move to IT, any advice?")
ending with everything else ("Challenges of working parent", "Shall I tell my partner my salary?")
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ManusManum - manus manum lavat (latin) - one hand washes the other
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Anonymous & professional social media for Cracow & Poland
Lack of office coffee & Honest answers to local people's questions from corporations
Increasing competitiveness of local employees by:
Trusted anonymous advice on: referrals, career, promotion, feedback, salaries, work-life balance, employer opinions
Anonymous, invite-based login - no email
Post examples starting from practical info ("How this company address WFH policy?", "Is my offer from X fair?")
through advice ("Certification that would get me from Mid to Senior", "I'm in finance and want to move to IT, any advice?")
ending with everything else ("Challenges of working parent", "Shall I tell my girlfriend my salary?")
Comment and get comments
ManusManum - manus manum lavat (latin) - one hand washes the other
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Registration is invite only and we don't store your email - if you loose your password you will have to ask for invite again and create new account
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Remember DO NOT post anything illegal - we are fully anonymous here, but not for law enforcement - we collect things like IP address, invites codes trails etc.